Emilia G.

Emilia G.

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Emilia G.

Tar emot nya elever

Learn Spanish while having a blast!

Pris FrÄn 300 kr
Önskade tider: morgnar, middag, kvĂ€llar, helg


Hello there! I'm Emilia, and I'm thrilled to be your Spanish teacher from Uruguay đŸ‡șđŸ‡Ÿ in Sweden.
Whether you're taking your first steps in Spanish or looking to enhance your skills, I'm here to guide you on your language journey.

Learning Spanish isn't just about words—it's about unlocking doors to new cultures and connections.

From basic conversations to more advanced discussions, I'm here to make your Spanish learning effective and enjoyable. If you're ready to embark on this learning adventure, I'm here to help. Let's start this journey toward mastering español! 🌟


Standard lesson
300 kr / 55 min